Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionales by Lucio Villalba 19/03/2021 19/03/2021 1394 visitas Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionaleS TODOS LOS SECTORES TODAS LAS REGIONES Y PAISES 2020 1 (1) Chinese Academy of Sciences * CHN GOBIERNO 2 (2) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique * FRA GOBIERNO 3 (3) Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China CHN GOBIERNO 4 (4) Harvard University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 5 (5) American Cancer Society USA SALUD 6 (6) Russian Academy of Sciences * RUS GOBIERNO 7 (7) Helmholtz Gemeinschaft * DEU GOBIERNO 8 (8) Harvard Medical School USA UNIVERSIDAD 9 (9) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services * USA GOBIERNO 10 (10) Tsinghua University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 11 (11) Stanford University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 12 (12) Max Planck Gesellschaft * DEU GOBIERNO 13 (13) University of Oxford GBR UNIVERSIDAD 14 (14) University College London GBR UNIVERSIDAD 15 (15) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas * ESP GOBIERNO 16 (16) The University of Hong Kong * HKG UNIVERSIDAD 17 (17) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor * USA UNIVERSIDAD 18 (18) Johns Hopkins University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 19 (19) University of Toronto CAN UNIVERSIDAD 20 (20) Peking University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 21 (21) Shanghai Jiao Tong University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 22 (22) National Institutes of Health USA SALUD 23 (23) University of Washington * USA UNIVERSIDAD 24 (24) DeepMind Technologies Ltd GBR COMPAÑIA 25 (25) University of Cambridge * GBR UNIVERSIDAD 26 (26) Massachusetts Institute of Technology * USA UNIVERSIDAD 27 (27) Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale * FRA SALUD 28 (28) Zhejiang University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 29 (29) Universidade de Sao Paulo BRA UNIVERSIDAD 30 (30) University of Pennsylvania * USA UNIVERSIDAD 31 (31) University of California, Los Angeles * USA UNIVERSIDAD 32 (32) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences CHN UNIVERSIDAD 33 (33) Imperial College London GBR UNIVERSIDAD 34 (34) Veterans Affairs Medical Centers * USA SALUD 35 (35) Columbia University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 36 (35) Sorbonne Universite * FRA UNIVERSIDAD 37 (36) University of California, Berkeley * USA UNIVERSIDAD 38 (37) University of Sydney AUS UNIVERSIDAD 39 (38) University of California, San Diego * USA UNIVERSIDAD 40 (39) University of Melbourne AUS UNIVERSIDAD 41 (40) University of Tokyo * JPN UNIVERSIDAD 42 (41) Yale University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 43 (42) Cornell University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 44 (43) National University of Singapore * SGP UNIVERSIDAD 45 (43) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche * ITA GOBIERNO 46 (44) The University of Queensland * AUS UNIVERSIDAD 47 (45) University of Maryland, Baltimore USA UNIVERSIDAD 48 (46) University of California, San Francisco * USA UNIVERSIDAD 49 (46) Duke University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 50 (47) The University of British Columbia CAN UNIVERSIDAD 51 (48) University of Wisconsin, Madison * USA UNIVERSIDAD 52 (49) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CHE UNIVERSIDAD 53 (50) Universite de Paris * FRA UNIVERSIDAD 54 (51) University of Minnesota, Twin Cities * USA UNIVERSIDAD 55 (52) Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati IDN UNIVERSIDAD 56 (52) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill * USA UNIVERSIDAD 57 (53) New York University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 58 (54) University of Copenhagen DNK UNIVERSIDAD 59 (54) Northwestern University, Evanston * USA UNIVERSIDAD 60 (54) University of New South Wales AUS UNIVERSIDAD 61 (55) Monash University, Melbourne * AUS UNIVERSIDAD 62 (55) Huazhong University of Science and Technology * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 63 (56) Ohio State University, Columbus * USA UNIVERSIDAD 64 (57) The University of Manchester GBR UNIVERSIDAD 65 (57) Pennsylvania State University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 66 (58) Massachusetts General Hospital USA SALUD 67 (58) University of Chicago * USA UNIVERSIDAD 68 (59) University of Amsterdam * NLD UNIVERSIDAD 69 (60) Kings College London GBR UNIVERSIDAD 70 (61) Utrecht University * NLD UNIVERSIDAD 71 (62) Catholic University of Leuven BEL UNIVERSIDAD 72 (63) Brigham and Women’s Hospital USA SALUD 73 (64) Mayo Clinic * USA SALUD 74 (65) Nanyang Technological University * SGP UNIVERSIDAD 75 (66) Leibniz Gemeinschaft * DEU GOBIERNO 76 (67) Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris * FRA SALUD 77 (68) Seoul National University * KOR UNIVERSIDAD 78 (69) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA UNIVERSIDAD 79 (70) University of California, Davis * USA UNIVERSIDAD 80 (71) The University of Edinburgh * GBR UNIVERSIDAD 81 (72) University of Pittsburgh * USA UNIVERSIDAD 82 (73) University of Texas, Austin USA UNIVERSIDAD 83 (74) Harbin Institute of Technology CHN UNIVERSIDAD 84 (75) Medical Research Council GBR SALUD 85 (76) Fudan University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 86 (77) University of Florida * USA UNIVERSIDAD 87 (78) European Bioinformatics Institute EMBL GBR GOBIERNO 88 (79) Howard Hughes Medical Institute * USA SALUD 89 (80) Johns Hopkins Medicine USA SALUD 90 (81) Ghent University BEL UNIVERSIDAD 91 (82) Alphabet Inc * MUL COMPAÑIA 92 (82) University of Southern California * USA UNIVERSIDAD 93 (83) McGill University CAN UNIVERSIDAD 94 (84) Sichuan University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 95 (85) Xi’an Jiaotong University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 96 (86) Kyoto University * JPN UNIVERSIDAD 97 (87) Karolinska Institute SWE UNIVERSIDAD 98 (88) Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza ITA UNIVERSIDAD 99 (88) Washington University in Saint Louis * USA UNIVERSIDAD 100 (89) Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard USA SALUD 101 (90) Central South University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 102 (91) Sun Yat-Sen University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 103 (92) VU University Amsterdam * NLD UNIVERSIDAD 104 (93) Polish Academy of Sciences * POL GOBIERNO 105 (94) University of Groningen * NLD UNIVERSIDAD 106 (95) Technische Universitat Munchen * DEU UNIVERSIDAD 107 (95) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas * ARG GOBIERNO 108 (96) Aarhus University * DNK UNIVERSIDAD 109 (96) Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes * FRA UNIVERSIDAD 110 (97) Google International LLC MUL COMPAÑIA 111 (98) University of Alberta CAN UNIVERSIDAD 112 (98) Emory University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 113 (99) Tianjin University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 114 (100) Vanderbilt University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 115 (101) Google Inc, USA USA COMPAÑIA 116 (102) University of Science and Technology of China CHN UNIVERSIDAD 117 (103) Universitat Zurich CHE UNIVERSIDAD 118 (104) University of Bristol GBR UNIVERSIDAD 119 (105) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey USA UNIVERSIDAD 120 (106) Jilin University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 121 (106) European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg * DEU GOBIERNO 122 (107) Erasmus University Rotterdam * NLD UNIVERSIDAD 123 (108) Nanjing University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 124 (109) University of Nottingham * GBR UNIVERSIDAD 125 (110) Leiden University * NLD UNIVERSIDAD 126 (110) Tongji University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 127 (110) Shandong University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 128 (111) Wuhan University * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 129 (112) Georgia Institute of Technology USA UNIVERSIDAD 130 (112) University of Pennsylvania Health System USA SALUD 131 (113) Boston University * USA UNIVERSIDAD 132 (114) Purdue University USA UNIVERSIDAD 133 (114) ParisTech, Institut des Sciences et Technologies de Paris – PRES * FRA GOBIERNO 134 (114) California Institute of Technology * USA UNIVERSIDAD 135 (115) Yale University Health & Medicine USA SALUD 136 (116) Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne CHE UNIVERSIDAD 137 (117) Centre Roland Mousnier FRA GOBIERNO 138 (118) Universita degli Studi di Padova ITA UNIVERSIDAD 139 (118) Princeton University USA UNIVERSIDAD 140 (118) Michigan State University USA UNIVERSIDAD 141 (119) Universitat de Barcelona * ESP UNIVERSIDAD 142 (120) University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center USA SALUD 143 (121) University of Birmingham GBR UNIVERSIDAD 144 (122) Stanford Medicine USA SALUD 145 (123) University of Leeds GBR UNIVERSIDAD 146 (124) The University of Sheffield GBR UNIVERSIDAD 147 (124) National Aeronautics and Space Administration * USA GOBIERNO 148 (125) University of Southampton GBR UNIVERSIDAD 149 (126) Universidade de Lisboa PRT UNIVERSIDAD 150 (126) Universita degli Studi di Milano ITA UNIVERSIDAD 151 (126) Lunds University SWE UNIVERSIDAD 152 (127) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center USA SALUD 153 (127) University of Helsinki FIN UNIVERSIDAD 154 (128) Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat Munchen * DEU UNIVERSIDAD 155 (128) Aix-Marseille Universite * FRA UNIVERSIDAD 156 (129) Uppsala University SWE 157 (129) Columbia University Medical Center USA SALUD 158 (130) United States Department of Agriculture USA GOBIERNO 159 (130) Texas A&M University, College Station USA UNIVERSIDAD 160 (131) Southeast University, Nanjing * CHN UNIVERSIDAD 161 (132) University of California, Irvine * USA UNIVERSIDAD 162 (132) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * USA GOBIERNO 163 (133) Mount Sinai Health System * USA SALUD 164 (134) BeiHang University CHN UNIVERSIDAD 165 (135) Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute GBR SALUD 166 (136) University of Utah * USA UNIVERSIDAD 167 (136) L’Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna ITA UNIVERSIDAD 168 (137) University of Arizona * USA UNIVERSIDAD 169 (137) University of Oslo NOR UNIVERSIDAD 170 (138) UCLA Health System USA SALUD 171 (139) University of Glasgow * GBR UNIVERSIDAD 172 (139) Duke Medicine USA SALUD 173 (140) Arizona State University USA UNIVERSIDAD 174 (140) Technical University of Denmark DNK UNIVERSIDAD 175 (141) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research * IND GOBIERNO 176 (142) South China University of Technology CHN UNIVERSIDAD 177 (142) Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research USA SALUD 178 (142) Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique * FRA GOBIERNO 179 (142) The University of Western Australia AUS UNIVERSIDAD 180 (143) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA SALUD 181 (143) Delft University of Technology NLD UNIVERSIDAD 182 (144) Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho BRA UNIVERSIDAD 183 (144) Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico MEX UNIVERSIDAD 184 (145) University of Colorado, Boulder * USA UNIVERSIDAD 185 (145) Universite Grenoble-Alpes * FRA UNIVERSIDAD 186 (146) Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II ITA UNIVERSIDAD 187 (147) Universitat Heidelberg * DEU UNIVERSIDAD 188 (147) National Center for Biotechnology Information USA GOBIERNO 189 (148) Université Paris-Saclay * FRA UNIVERSIDAD 190 (148) Kavli Institute for Cosmology GBR GOBIERNO 191 (148) University of Maryland, College Park * USA UNIVERSIDAD 192 (149) Facebook Inc * MUL COMPAÑIA 193 (149) Facebook Inc, United States USA COMPAÑIA 194 (149) Osaka University * JPN UNIVERSIDAD 195 (150) Dana Farber Cancer Institute USA SALUD 196 (151) Erasmus Medical Center NLD SALUD 197 (151) Yonsei University * KOR UNIVERSIDAD 198 (152) University of Calgary CAN UNIVERSIDAD 199 (152) Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai USA UNIVERSIDAD 200 (153) Wellcome Trust GBR SALUD 201 (154) Wageningen University and Research Centre * NLD 202 (155) Microsoft Corp * MUL 203 (155) Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic * CZE 204 (156) Australian National University AUS 205 (157) University of Warwick GBR 206 (158) University of Colorado, Denver * USA 207 (159) Washington University Medical Center USA 208 (159) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA USA 209 (160) Microsoft, USA USA 210 (160) King Abdulaziz University SAU 211 (161) Tel Aviv University ISR 212 (161) Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization * AUS 213 (161) Tohoku University * JPN 214 (162) Universitas Malikussaleh IDN 215 (162) National Taiwan University TWN 216 (162) Carnegie Mellon University * USA 217 (162) The University of Adelaide AUS 218 (163) Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne GBR 219 (164) Heidelberger Institut fur Theoretische Studien DEU 220 (165) Baylor College of Medicine USA 221 (166) Queen Mary, University of London GBR 222 (166) University of Virginia * USA 223 (166) University of Liverpool * GBR 224 (167) Cardiff University GBR 225 (167) Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona * ESP 226 (168) Brown University USA 227 (168) National Cancer Institute USA 228 (168) Academisch Medisch Centrum NLD 229 (169) Universitat Bern CHE 230 (170) Universidad Complutense de Madrid * ESP 231 (171) International Agency for Research on Cancer FRA 232 (172) University of Iowa * USA 233 (173) University of Malaya * MYS 234 (173) Universidade do Porto * PRT 235 (174) Woodruff Health Sciences Center USA 236 (174) Soochow University, Suzhou * CHN 237 (174) Copenhagen University Hospital DNK 238 (175) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine GBR 239 (175) Melanoma Institute Australia AUS 240 (175) NYU Langone Medical Center USA 241 (176) Doe Joint Genome Institute USA 242 (177) Universitat Hamburg * DEU 243 (178) Norwegian University of Science and Technology NOR 244 (179) University of Exeter GBR 245 (180) Universita degli Studi di Firenze ITA 246 (181) University of Gothenburg SWE 247 (181) University of Michigan Health System USA 248 (182) University Medical Center Utrecht NLD 249 (182) Dalian University of Technology CHN 250 (183) North Carolina State University USA 251 (183) Weill Cornell Medical College USA 252 (183) Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg * DEU 253 (184) Universita degli Studi di Torino ITA 254 (184) McMaster University CAN 255 (185) University of Waterloo CAN 256 (186) University of Alabama, Birmingham * USA 257 (186) Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III * FRA 258 (187) University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus USA 259 (187) University of California, Santa Barbara USA 260 (187) Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement * FRA 261 (187) Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique * FRA 262 (187) Children’s Hospital Boston * USA 263 (187) Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn * DEU 264 (188) Vanderbilt University Medical Center USA 265 (188) Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen DEU 266 (188) Nankai University * CHN 267 (188) The Chinese University of Hong Kong * HKG 268 (189) Microsoft Research, Asia CHN 269 (189) Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie DEU 270 (189) University of Auckland NZL 271 (189) Hubrecht Institute NLD 272 (189) University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center USA 273 (190) University of Illinois, Chicago * USA 274 (191) Universite de Geneve CHE 275 (191) Universite Montpellier * FRA 276 (191) Stockholm University SWE 277 (192) Case Western Reserve University USA 278 (193) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare ITA 279 (193) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University USA 280 (194) Population Health Research Institute CAN 281 (195) Korea University * KOR 282 (196) King Saud University SAU 283 (196) Indiana University-Bloomington USA 284 (197) VU University Medical Center NLD 285 (197) Northwestern Medicine USA 286 (197) Cleveland Clinic * USA 287 (198) University of Electronic Science and Technology of China CHN 288 (199) Beijing Normal University * CHN 289 (199) Hunan University CHN 290 (200) Royal Institute of Technology SWE 291 (200) Universitas Sumatera Utara IDN 292 (200) Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics CHE 293 (200) University Health Network * CAN 294 (201) Hungarian Academy of Sciences * HUN 295 (201) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory USA 296 (202) Sungkyunkwan University KOR 297 (202) University Medical Center Groningen NLD 298 (202) University of Miami * USA 299 (203) Universidade Estadual de Campinas BRA 300 (203) University of Western Ontario CAN 301 (203) Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre NLD 302 (204) Curtin University AUS 303 (205) Beijing Institute of Technology CHN 304 (206) Universitat Basel CHE 305 (206) Hong Kong Polytechnic University HKG 306 (206) Charles University * CZE 307 (207) CareGroup Healthcare System * USA 308 (207) Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement Paris * FRA 309 (208) Universidad Autonoma de Madrid * ESP 310 (208) University of Ottawa CAN 311 (208) Universite de Montreal CAN 312 (209) University of Rochester * USA 313 (210) University of Durham GBR 314 (210) Nagoya University * JPN 315 (210) Northwestern Polytechnical University CHN 316 (210) University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences USA 317 (210) Oregon Health & Science University * USA 318 (211) Kyushu University * JPN 319 (211) Cancer Research UK GBR 320 (212) Technische Universitat Dresden DEU 321 (212) Universitat Wien AUT 322 (213) Lomonosov Moscow State University RUS 323 (213) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BRA 324 (213) Tehran University of Medical Sciences * IRN 325 (214) Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center USA 326 (214) Politecnico di Milano ITA 327 (214) The Rockefeller University * USA 328 (214) Universita degli Studi di Pisa ITA 329 (214) National Bureau of Economic Research USA 330 (215) Chongqing University CHN 331 (215) World Health Organization Switzerland CHE 332 (216) King Abdullah University of Science and Technology SAU 333 (216) Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille FRA 334 (216) Leiden University Medical Center NLD 335 (216) Iowa State University USA 336 (217) Charite – Universitatsmedizin Berlin * DEU 337 (217) Universidad de Granada * ESP 338 (217) Ministry of Agriculture CHN 339 (218) Hebrew SeniorLife USA 340 (218) University of Georgia USA 341 (219) Scripps Research Institute USA 342 (219) Hokkaido University * JPN 343 (219) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases USA 344 (219) Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tubingen * DEU 345 (220) Universitas Negeri Makassar IDN 346 (220) Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg im Breisgau DEU 347 (221) Medizinische Universitat Wien AUT 348 (221) Universitat de Valencia * ESP 349 (221) Boston University Medical Campus USA 350 (222) University of East Anglia * GBR 351 (222) Radboud University Nijmegen NLD 352 (222) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council * GBR 353 (223) National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering USA 354 (224) Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster * DEU 355 (225) Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College * CHN 356 (225) University of Kansas * USA 357 (225) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul BRA 358 (225) University of Connecticut, Storrs * USA 359 (226) University of York GBR 360 (226) J. David Gladstone Institutes USA 361 (226) Peking University Health Science Center CHN 362 (226) Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 * FRA 363 (227) Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis USA 364 (227) Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main * DEU 365 (227) University of Cape Town ZAF 366 (227) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology * KOR 367 (227) German Cancer Research Center DEU 368 (228) RIKEN-Institute of Physical and Chemical Research JPN 369 (228) University of Cincinnati * USA 370 (229) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center USA 371 (229) Linkoping University SWE 372 (230) The Sainsbury Laboratory GBR 373 (230) Xiamen University * CHN 374 (230) City University of New York * USA 375 (230) Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats ESP 376 (230) National Library of Medicine USA 377 (231) University of Sussex * GBR 378 (231) Agency for Science, Technology and Research Singapore * SGP 379 (231) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BRA 380 (231) Queen’s University Belfast GBR 381 (232) Temple University * USA 382 (232) Wayne State University USA 383 (232) University of Bergen NOR 384 (233) Universidad de Chile * CHL 385 (233) State University of New York, Stony Brook * USA 386 (233) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory USA 387 (233) Novo Nordisk A/S DNK 388 (234) Novo Nordisk * MUL 389 (234) Aalborg University * DNK 390 (234) University of Massachusetts, Amherst USA 391 (234) Griffith University AUS 392 (234) Queensland University of Technology AUS 393 (235) State University of New York, Buffalo USA 394 (235) University of Wollongong * AUS 395 (236) Aalto University FIN 396 (236) University of Technology, Sydney AUS 397 (237) University of Kentucky * USA 398 (238) Dartmouth College * USA 399 (238) Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya * ESP 400 (239) Eindhoven University of Technology NLD 401 (240) University of St. Andrews GBR 402 (240) University of Southern Denmark DNK 403 (241) University of Nebraska, Lincoln USA 404 (241) University of Ljubljana * SVN 405 (241) University College Dublin IRL 406 (241) University of Tennessee, Knoxville * USA 407 (242) Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen * DEU 408 (242) Tufts University USA 409 (242) Institute for Molecular Medicine FIN 410 (242) Weizmann Institute of Science ISR 411 (242) Deakin University AUS 412 (242) University of Belgrade SRB 413 (242) University of California, Riverside USA 414 (243) The Buck Institute for Research on Aging USA 415 (243) University of Pretoria ZAF 416 (244) Universidad del Pais Vasco * ESP 417 (244) University of Technology, Malaysia MYS 418 (244) University of Aberdeen GBR 419 (245) Lancaster University GBR 420 (245) Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz * DEU 421 (245) Max Planck Institut fur Psycholinguistik NLD 422 (245) Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences * NLD 423 (245) University Putra Malaysia MYS 424 (246) Salk Institute for Biological Studies USA 425 (246) Rice University USA 426 (246) Maastricht University NLD 427 (247) University of Antwerp BEL 428 (247) Trinity College Dublin * IRL 429 (247) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism USA 430 (248) University of Tehran IRN 431 (248) Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile * CHL 432 (248) Universite de Lausanne CHE 433 (248) Universite de Strasbourg * FRA 434 (248) Japan Science & Technology Agency JPN 435 (248) National Heart Lung and Blood Institute USA 436 (249) Universitat Politecnica de Valencia * ESP 437 (249) University of Athens GRC 438 (249) University of Leicester GBR 439 (249) Julius-Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg * DEU 440 (249) University of Bath GBR 441 (249) Natural Environment Research Council * GBR 442 (250) UC San Diego Health System USA 443 (250) Freie Universitat Berlin * DEU 444 (250) Max Planck Institut fur Biochemie DEU 445 (251) Australian Astronomical Observatory AUS 446 (252) National Institute on Aging USA 447 (252) J. Craig Venter Institute USA 448 (252) Oregon State University USA 449 (252) China University of Geosciences CHN 450 (252) University of Zagreb HRV 451 (253) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development USA 452 (253) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft * DEU 453 (253) Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard USA 454 (253) Catholic University of Louvain BEL 455 (254) London School of Economics and Political Science GBR 456 (254) Oslo University Hospital NOR 457 (254) Universitas Negeri Medan IDN 458 (254) Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology BEL 459 (255) Smithsonian Institution * USA 460 (255) Montefiore Medical Center * USA 461 (255) Universidad de Sevilla * ESP 462 (255) Babraham Institute GBR 463 (255) Chalmers University of Technology * SWE 464 (255) Capital University of Medical Sciences CHN 465 (256) University of Southern California Health Sciences Campus USA 466 (256) Nanjing Medical University * CHN 467 (256) George Washington University * USA 468 (256) University of California, Santa Cruz USA 469 (256) Hebrew University of Jerusalem ISR 470 (256) Institute of Cancer Research GBR 471 (256) National Human Genome Research Institute USA 472 (256) Australian Research Council * AUS 473 (257) Karolinska University Hospital SWE 474 (257) National Institute on Drug Abuse USA 475 (257) Universite de Bordeaux * FRA 476 (258) Macquarie University * AUS 477 (258) Jagiellonian University POL 478 (258) Virginia Commonwealth University * USA 479 (258) Max Planck Institut fur Pflanzenzuchtungsforschung DEU 480 (259) Institut Pasteur de Paris * FRA 481 (259) Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research AUS 482 (260) Universitat Leipzig * DEU 483 (260) Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA 484 (260) Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena * DEU 485 (260) University of Oklahoma * USA 486 (261) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center USA 487 (261) Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center USA 488 (261) University of Twente NLD 489 (261) Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research * USA 490 (261) Umea University * SWE 491 (261) Albert Einstein College of Medicine USA 492 (261) A.Alikhanyan National Laboratory ARM 493 (262) Colorado State University, Fort Collins USA 494 (262) Centre for Ecology and Hydrology GBR 495 (262) Academia Sinica * TWN 496 (262) Universita degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata ITA 497 (262) Universite de Liege BEL 498 (263) The University of Reading GBR 499 (263) University of New Mexico * USA 500 (263) Max Planck Institut fur Evolutionare Anthropologie DEU VER MAS INSTITUCIONES Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionales Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionales Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionales Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionales Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionales Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionales Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionales Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionales Ranking Centros de investigacion internacionales Relacionado Russian Academy of Sciences *Stanford UniversityTSINGHUA UNIVERSITYU.S. Department of Health and Human Services * COMPARTE 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsappTelegramEmail noticia anterior Inteligencia Artificial , Sherpa.ai siguiente noticia UMH, las start-ups 2BePart e ICU Medical Technologies y la spin-off Tearful